Composite Hose Export to Dubai

Composite hoses must meet the required standards for export, as these hoses are highly sensitive in the petroleum industry and must provide safety at work.
The hoses we supply to different countries meet the required standards, and customers use them in a completely safe environment.
Our products are quite ideal for Dubai and can be used by many industries because of our low price compared to high quality.

Wholesale sales of composite hoses

Composite Hose Export to Dubai110

Wholesale sales of composite hoses made from the best materials.
Composite fuel discharge hoses and specifications can be found through this article and learn how to use and purchase it.
Fuel composite hoses are fast-growing due to their robust structure and are a good replacement for rubber hoses.
These fuel hoses are widely used in the petroleum industry due to their unique structure and can be said to be the best type and hose for oil derivatives transportation.

Production of composite hoses

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The production of these types of hoses requires special knowledge and skill that we have been able to achieve by relying on the expertise of our experts.

Because of the use of these hoses in high-risk locations, precision production must be carefully designed to produce them without any defects.

These hoses are manufactured in a wide variety for various uses, our suggestions for use include:

  • Chemical transfer hoses
  • Oil Transmission Hoses
  • Large diameter Qatar hoses in sea shipping
  • Various materials such as ethanol, biodiesel and cryogenic materials and applications for LPG and LNG
  • Transmission of oils and vapors in petrochemicals
  • Fuel discharge of trucks and tankers

Advantages of composite hoses

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  • Due to its lightweight composite hoses(one-third its weight similar to rubber), it makes operation easier and faster.
  • Composite hoses have a bend radius (about one-third) lower than plastic.
  • Due to the use of polyamide, polypropylene and Teflon materials in the manufacture of these hoses, which are resistant to all petroleum and chemical materials, (according to tests and certificates) the erosion of the composite hoses has been reduced to zero and prolongs the life of the hoses. And no fluid contamination will occur.
  • Composite hoses are flexible and will not change in different weather conditions as well as cold and heat.

The service life of composite hoses is 5 to 7 times higher than rubber hoses.

  • Composite hoses will never fracture or block the passage of fluid due to the flexibility and having two layers of internal and external springs.
  • Due to fire resistance, composite hoses can provide more opportunity for fire extinguishing and control. This type of hose is also safe because of the earth’s system against static electricity.
  • One of the important advantages of composite hoses is the color indicator that enables the user to identify the type of application. These colors are made in all countries as follows: red for regular gasoline, green for super gasoline, yellow for oil and gas, blue for oil and white for rainwater which prevents user error and fluid interference.

Hose structure

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Internal wire: Galvanized steel
Coverage: Polypropylene
Exterior coating: PVC with polyester fabric coating
Outer Wire: Galvanized Steel
Temperature range: -20 ° C ~ + 80 ° C
Safety factor: Working pressure based on the safety factor of 5:1

Sales of composite hose

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Given that these different types of hoses have different structures for transporting different materials, careful consideration should be given to the type of fluid and the type of process.

The size of the hose, its color, the type of encoding for the various fluids, its connections is among the most important criteria for buying these hoses.
Buyers can easily order it by specifying the product code and defining its longitudinal specifications.


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